You need to do three things to arrive at this figure:
1) Calculate the number of seconds per year: 31,536,000 seconds.
2) Estimate the increase in Bill Gates' net worth in a given year. Let's use the latest figures from Forbes, which calculated that Bill Gates' net worth increased by $3,200,000,000 between 2014 and 2015. (Source: Record number of billionaires in 2015 and Bill Gates top of the list)
3) Divide $3,200,000,000 by 31,536,000 seconds. The quotient is $101.47 per second.
Note, in any given year, the increase (or decrease!) in Bill Gates' net worth will change, and therefore you could come up with a different answer from what I calculated.
NOTE: After test tomorrow, you may listen to music on your own device!
These people need to take Pre-assessment test for Ch 5
P1: Elly, Amber
P2: Brenden
P3: Ani, Madeleine, Taylor
P5: Jordan, Derik, Zyan, Sara S, Isara, Ellie
Homework Schedule Change
Homework Check - Find ILP in your GMAIL
Take out homework sheet called 800lb Monster
Mid Chapter TEST This Wednesday on adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing rational numbers (fractions).
Today's Assignment
We will need to paper textbook today!
Let's look at 4.1.2 Problem 14
P1: Do 4.2.1 Problem 4-26
P2: Do 4.2.1 Problem 4-25
P3: Finish doing problem 4-25 then go over.
P5: Finish doing problem 4-25 then go over.
Tonight's Homework
CPM 4.2.2 Review Preview all problems
Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).
Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!
12-14 Monday - Worksheet
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - 4.2.4
Extra Practice available in the Parent Guide. Click here.
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