Early Survey Finishers
Work on this Buzzmath assignment.
After 10-15 minutes (when everyone is done with the survey), TEAMS start your CPM assignment for today.
Today's Assignment
CPM 4.1.2 problems 4-13 and 4-15
You will work with your team to:
1. Make sense of the problem. This means read the problem with your team, then talk about what it is asking your to do.
2. After you have work on the problem for few minutes, check in with your team to make sure everyone is getting the same answer.
After you finish the first problem, these TEACHER LEADERS will stand up in front of the class and lead a discussion to go over the answers like we have done in the past.
P1: Vienna, Rafael, Amber, Nolan
P2: Riley, Katherine, Natalie, Taylor
P3: Keedon, Nathaneal, Sophia, Ani
P5: Tyler, Sergio, Parker, Ricardo
TEACHER LEADERS: make sure you write what people say on the board like we did before. Be sure to ask people to answer in your questions with complete sentences and to explain why they think what they do, how did they get their answer. If someone is stuck, they can phone a friend for hints and help!
TEACHER LEADERS: PROBLEM 4-15 There are a lot of different ways of figuring out how many feet are represented by the 1 and 5/8 length for zucchini. Please have people share several different methods!
TEACHER LEADERS: make sure you keep track of how far you got in the lesson so we can pick up tomorrow where you left off!
After you have had a class discussion about the problem, watch this video with your team to see what Ms. Rickard thinks about the problem.
Click here for Video Help for 4.13
Click here for Video Help for 4-15 Make sure you discuss this one as a team to make sure everyone knows how to do!!!
Early Finishers
Continue with Buzzmath if you didn't finish.
Or start this Buzzmath: Similar Figures
Watch this video if you need help with Buzzmath Similar Figures
Tonight's Homework
Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).
Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!
This Week's Homework Schedule
12-7 Monday - None
12-8 Tuesday - None
12-9 Wednesday - None
12-10 Thursday - None
12-11 Friday - 4.2.1 Due Monday
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