
Friday, December 18, 2015

12-18-2015 Continue 4.2.3

Maddox and Angel didn't plug in computers on Tuesday. Cody didn't plug in computer yesterday. Please stay at nutrition.

It's almost Winter Break! Woot!

Yeah, but we still have work to do.  Boo!

Homework Check! Take out Review Preview 4.2.3 and turn to problem 4-47 in textbook.

Today's Assignment
Finish CPM 4.2.3
P1: Check 4-47 b table
P2: Start 4-47
P3: Start 4-47
P5: Start 4-47

Journey to the North Pole...

Tonight's Homework
None! My Christmas Present To You!

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

12-14 Monday - Worksheet
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - None

Thursday, December 17, 2015

12-17-2015 How Can A Graph Help 4.2.3

Whomever stole my Minecraft toys, if you return them, all will be forgiven. If not, if someone gives me evidence (can be a witness) that leads to an arrest, I will pay you MONEY. Thank you!

Homework Check 
Please take out your homework from Tuesday. CPM 4.2.2.

Warm Up - Do While Ms. Rickard Checks Your Homework
When you are making a prediction, it is important to be able to recognize whether a relationship is proportional or not.
  • Your Task: Work with your team to read each new situation below.  Decide whether you think the relationship described is proportional or non-proportional and justify your reasoning.  Be prepared to share your decisions and justifications with the class.  (From 4.2.1 #4-27)
    final mc2 ch9 9-69
    1. Carlos wants to buy some new video games.  Each game he buys costs him $36.  Is the relationship between the number of games Carlos buys and the total price proportional? 
    2. A single ticket to a concert costs $56, while buying five tickets costs $250.  Is the relationship between the number of tickets bought and the total price proportional?  
    3. Vu is four years older than his sister.  Is the relationship between Vu and his sister’s age proportional?  
    4. Janna runs at a steady pace of 7 minutes per mile.  Is the relationship between the number of miles she ran and the distance she covered proportional?  
    5. Carl just bought a music player and plans to load 50 songs each week.  Is the relationship between the number of weeks after Carl bought the music player and the number of songs on his player proportional?  
    6. Anna has a new video game. It takes her five hours of playing the game to master level one. After so much time, Anna understands the game better and it only takes her three hours of playing the game to master level two. Is the number of hours played and the game level proportional?

Today's Assignment
Start CPM 4.2.3

Tonight's Homework
CPM 4.2.3 all review preview problems

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

12-14 Monday - Worksheet
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - 4.2.4

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

12-16-2015 Continue 4.2.2

Be on your best behavior for the substitute teacher!  Be helpful and no arguing! :)

Today's Assignment
Go to the CPM Textbook 4.2.2 Problem 4-35
Take out the Resource page Ms. Rickard gave you yesterday or get one from the substitute teacher if you were absent or lost it. Put your name on it as it will be graded by Ms. Rickard when she returns. DON'T LOSE IT!

Get from the substitute teacher The second resource page for 4.1.1 problem 4-35. Click here to see it.

1. Read about Kaci and cheese in problem 4-35.  Use the Student eTool to make the graph and answer the questions.

Copy the graph from the student eTool onto your Resource paper. Click here to see it.

2. When you are finished, watch the Part ONE video to see how your table and graph compare with Ms. Rickard's.

3. Answer the questions on the other resource paper (click here to see it) instead of putting it in your notebook.  Ms. Rickard will check them tomorrow and will GRADE THEM so don't lose them unless you like having a zero in the gradebook.  :0

4. When finished with the questions, watch the Part TWO video to check your answers. Pause it and work on 4-36 to 4-38

5. Then work on 4-36. Yesterday, we talked about how to tell if a GRAPH is proportional. There are two criteria. You should have written them down yesterday. If someone was absent yesterday in your team, make sure they know the two criteria.

6. Next try problem 4-37 and 4-38.

7.  When finished, watch the rest of the Part TWO video to check your answers and ideas.

Tonight's Homework
None. Be sure to bring 4.2.2 homework as well as classwork sheets tomorrow for Ms. Rickard to check!

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

12-14 Monday - Worksheet
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - 4.2.4

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

12-15-2015 How Can I See A Proportion? 4.2.2

How much does Bill Gates make each second? $101.47 per second!

You need to do three things to arrive at this figure:

1) Calculate the number of seconds per year: 31,536,000 seconds.

2) Estimate the increase in Bill Gates' net worth in a given year. Let's use the latest figures from Forbes, which calculated that Bill Gates' net worth increased by $3,200,000,000 between 2014 and 2015. (Source: Record number of billionaires in 2015 and Bill Gates top of the list)

3) Divide $3,200,000,000 by 31,536,000 seconds. The quotient is $101.47 per second.

Note, in any given year, the increase (or decrease!) in Bill Gates' net worth will change, and therefore you could come up with a different answer from what I calculated.

NOTE: After test tomorrow, you may listen to music on your own device!

These people need to take Pre-assessment test for Ch 5
P1: Elly, Amber
P2: Brenden
P3: Ani, Madeleine, Taylor
P5: Jordan, Derik, Zyan, Sara S, Isara, Ellie

Homework Schedule Change

Homework Check - Find ILP in your GMAIL
Take out homework sheet called 800lb Monster

Mid Chapter TEST This Wednesday on adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing rational numbers (fractions).

Today's Assignment
We will need to paper textbook today!
Let's look at 4.1.2 Problem 14
P1: Do 4.2.1 Problem 4-26
P2: Do 4.2.1 Problem 4-25
P3: Finish doing problem 4-25 then go over.
P5: Finish doing problem 4-25 then go over.

Tonight's Homework
CPM 4.2.2 Review Preview all problems

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

12-14 Monday - Worksheet
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - 4.2.4

Extra Practice available in the Parent Guide. Click here.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

12-14-2015 Continue 4.2.1

P3: Ian didn't plug in computer

Homework Check and ILP Assessment

Take Out Homework 4.2.1 From Friday

Mid Chapter TEST This Wednesday on adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing rational numbers (fractions & decimals) and integers.

Today's Assignment
P1: Talk about problem  4-24
P2: Talk about problem 4-23
P3: Start problem 4-23
P5: Start problem 4-23

Then let's finish 4.2.1 problems 4-23 through 4-26.

Tonight's Homework
Practice add, subtract, multiply, divide fractions and decimals worksheet.  See below.

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

12-14 Monday - Worksheet
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - 4.2.4

Friday, December 11, 2015

12-11-2015 How Does It Grow 4.2.1

P5: Brandon see Ms. Rickard for Make Up Test info

Computer Cable: if you take one out of the cart, please wrap it up when you put it back. If you find one that is not wrapped, please tell Ms. Rickard. If you don't, you may be held accountable and may get a short detention! :0

Homework Check
Please take out HW 4.1.2 problems from Friday

Warm Up
Take out your math notebook and complete the following while Ms. Rickard checks homework.

Today's Assignment
CPM 4.2.1

Tonight's Homework
Review Preview 4.2.1

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

12-14 Monday - None
12-15 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-16 Wednesday - None
12-17 Thursday - 4.2.3
12-18 Friday - 4.2.4

Thursday, December 10, 2015

12-10-2015 Continue 4.1.2

FIRST Take this survey!

Early Survey Finishers
Work on this Buzzmath assignment.

After  10-15 minutes (when everyone is done with the survey), TEAMS start your CPM assignment for today.

Today's Assignment
CPM 4.1.2 problems 4-13 and 4-15

You will work with your team to:
1. Make sense of the problem. This means read the problem with your team, then talk about what it is asking your to do.
2. After you have work on the problem for  few minutes, check in with your team to make sure everyone is getting the same answer.

After you finish the first problem, these TEACHER LEADERS will stand up in front of the class and lead a discussion to go over the answers like we have done in the past.

P1:  Vienna, Rafael, Amber, Nolan
P2:  Riley, Katherine, Natalie, Taylor
P3:  Keedon, Nathaneal, Sophia, Ani
P5:  Tyler, Sergio, Parker, Ricardo

TEACHER LEADERS: make sure you write what people say on the board like we did before.  Be sure to ask people to answer in your questions with complete sentences and to explain why they think what they do, how did they get their answer.  If someone is stuck, they can phone a friend for hints and help!

TEACHER LEADERS:  PROBLEM 4-15 There are a lot of different ways of figuring out how many feet are represented by the 1 and 5/8 length for zucchini. Please have people share several different methods!

TEACHER LEADERS: make sure you keep track of how far you got in the lesson so we can pick up tomorrow where you left off!

After you have had a class discussion about the problem, watch this video with your team to see what Ms. Rickard thinks about the problem.

Click here for Video Help for 4.13

Click here for Video Help for 4-15 Make sure you discuss this one as a team to make sure everyone knows how to do!!!

Early Finishers
Continue with Buzzmath if you didn't finish.
Or start this Buzzmath: Similar Figures

Watch this video if you need help with Buzzmath Similar Figures

Tonight's Homework

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

This Week's Homework Schedule 
12-7 Monday - None
12-8 Tuesday - None
12-9 Wednesday - None
12-10 Thursday - None
12-11 Friday - 4.2.1 Due Monday

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

12-8-2015 Hour Of Code - Minecraft

I'm out sick again today, so guess what! Hour of Code again!  Yay!

Today, you will code a Minecraft game.

Click here for today's Hour Of Code lesson.

Please try signing up using your Google email and school password. If you sign in, our school may win prizes!

Here is today's section code:  TZWDKB

At the end you will build a minecraft house. Please take a snippet using the snipping tool of your final creation!

Paste the link for your house creation here.


Early Finishers: Click here and use this section code: XAOZHF

Monday, December 7, 2015

12-7-2015 Hour Of Code!

1. First, Star Wars. Click here and do the Javascript one.
Be sure to use the Show Text and use Javascript after puzzle three!

2. When you get to the end, design your own game and click Share.

Paste your link in this FORM. Click here.

3. Then click here for the spreadsheet and try out other people's games!

Hope you have fun and learn something about coding!


Friday, December 4, 2015

12-4-2015 How Can I Use A Scale Drawings 4.1.2

        Computer Cable: if you take one out of the cart, please wrap it up when you put it back. If you find one that is not wrapped, please tell Ms. Rickard. If you don't, you may be held accountable and may get a short detention! :0

      P3: paper copies hw answer key
        P3 and P4 need to do 4-4 in class
    Homework Check - Wake Up (warm up)
    Take out your math notebook and turn to review preview of 4.1.1 for homework check. Work on the problem below while Ms.Rickard checks your homework.
    4-8. Tina’s rectangular living-room floor measures 15 feet by 18 feet. Homework Help ✎
    1. How many square feet of carpet will Tina need to cover the entire floor?
    2. The carpet Tina likes is sold by the square yard. How many square yards will she need?          (1 yard = 3 feet)
Today's Assignment
P3 and P4 need to do 4-4 in class
CPM 4.1.2

Tonight's Homework
CPM 4.1.2 Review Preview All Problems (Due Monday)

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

This Week's Homework Schedule 
11-30 Monday -  3.1.1 Problem 3-5 (do with a friend or solo), 3.1.2 Problem 3-17, 3.2.1 Problems 3-30 a, b and 3-32
12-1 Tuesday - Finish Rework
12-2 Wednesday -  Percent Practice Problems
12-3 Thursday - CPM 4.1.1 (except 4-8)
12-4 Friday - CPM 4.1.2

12-7 Monday - 4.2.1
12-8 Tuesday - 4.2.2
12-9 Wednesday - 4.2.3
12-10 Thursday - 4.2.4
12-11 Friday - 4.3.1

Thursday, December 3, 2015

12-3-2015 Are The Figures The Same? 4.1.1

Homework Check
1. Please take out your Percents Practice Problems Worksheet so Ms. Rickard can check it!

Last night's Percent Practice Problems - ANSWER KEY

2. Take out your math notebook and your DOT PAPER from yesterday.
3. Go to 4.1.1 in your CPM textbook.
4. Paper copies of homework answer key!
5. Test Pass Back

Today's Assignment
P1: Go over 4.1.1 #2
P2: Start 4.1.1 #2
P3: Go over 4.1.1 #2
P5: Go over 4.1.1 #2

Tonight's Homework
CPM 4.1.1 all problems except 4-8

Video Homework Help - Click Here (must be logged into your slcusd google account to access).


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

This Week's Homework Schedule 
11-30 Monday -  3.1.1 Problem 3-5 (do with a friend or solo), 3.1.2 Problem 3-17, 3.2.1 Problems 3-30 a, b and 3-32
12-1 Tuesday - Finish Rework
12-2 Wednesday -  Percent Practice Problems
12-3 Thursday - CPM 4.1.1 (except 4-8)
12-4 Friday - CPM 4.1.2

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

12-2-2015 Retest Chapter 3

Today's Schedule!
11:53     6th grade goes to lunch in MPR with Staff

12:07     Alarm Sounds (Lockdown) All Classrooms and students in the MPR.  Library will be closed this day for Lunch. 

12:10     Students evacuate to Primary Assembly Area (Fire Drill), classes lined up alphabetically like our map.  Students Bring their backpacks.  7/8 classrooms will be let out by admin and custodian. Remember that a fire alarm is treated like and Emergency Lockdown, no teaching, students away from line of sight. 

12:20     All Teachers are released for their duty free lunch (6, 7, 8th)

12:20 - 12:30  Student Spell Out  Substitutes Remain to help with Spell Out.  Subs will have lunch on their prep period.

12:30 - 12:50  Student lunch

12:50     End of Lunch for all Students.

12:54     5th Period Starts.

Today's Assignment!
Test Round 2 on Chapter 3

Everything off your desk and lap. No calculators, phones or computers. You may use red privacy folders.

Early Finishers and People exempt from taking the test again:
Work on Buzzmath or Khan Academy of your choice!

Tonight's Homework
Percent Practice Problems

Percent Practice Problems - ANSWER KEY

Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

This Week's Homework Schedule 
11-30 Monday -  3.1.1 Problem 3-5 (do with a friend or solo), 3.1.2 Problem 3-17, 3.2.1 Problems 3-30 a, b and 3-32
12-1 Tuesday - Finish Rework
12-2 Wednesday -  Percent Practice Problems
12-3 Thursday - CPM 4.1.1
12-4 Friday - CPM 4.1.2

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12-1-2015 Happy December! Let's Rework!

Homework Check 

Homework Problem Change for tonight.

New seats on Thursday

Chapter 3 Test, Round 2 on Wednesday

Homework sheet for Wednesday to get early start!

Today's Assignment - Sage N Scribe
Today you will work with a partner to REWORK your chapter 3 test!

You will use the Sage N Scribe cooperative structure. Click here for instructions.


These people do not need to rework:
P1: Rafael
P2: Katherine, Kaylee, Natalie
P3: Ani
P5: Parker, Lina, Ian, Ricardo, Callista, Sara S., Tyler

Alternate Assignment for people who are exempt from REWORK. Click here. Ms. R did not have time to test out or modify this world so let her know if you have problems.

Tonight's Homework
Finish Rework


Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

This Week's Homework Schedule 
11-30 Monday -  3.1.1 Problem 3-5 (do with a friend or solo), 3.1.2 Problem 3-17, 3.2.1 Problems 3-30 a, b and 3-32
12-1 Tuesday - Finish Rework
12-2 Wednesday -  Percent Practice Problems
12-3 Thursday - CPM 4.1.1
12-4 Friday - CPM 4.1.2

Monday, November 30, 2015

11-30-2015 Rework Chapter 3 Test!

Welcome Back!

Homework Schedule Change

MathCounts Team

New seats on Thursday

Chapter 3 Test, Round 2 on Wednesday

Today's Assignment Let's see how we did on the Chapter 3 Test then REWORK.  :0

These people do not need to rework:
P1: Rafael
P2: Katherine, Kaylee, Natalie
P3: Ani
P5: Parker, Lina, Ian, Ricardo, Callista, Sara S., Tyler

Tonight's Homework
3.1.1 Problem 3-5 (do with a friend or solo)
3.1.2 Problem 3-17
3.2.1 Problems 3-30 and 3-32

Click here for Chapter 3 Supplemental Homework Answer Key

Click here for Chapter 4 Homework Answer Key!

This Week's Homework Schedule 
11-30 Monday -  3.1.1 Problem 3-5 (do with a friend or solo), 3.1.2 Problem 3-17, 3.2.1 Problems 3-30 a, b and 3-32
12-1 Tuesday - 3.2.2 Problem 3-44, 3.2.3 Problem 3-57, 3.2.4 Problem 3-71
12-2 Wednesday -  Percent Practice Problems
12-3 Thursday - CPM 4.1.1
12-4 Friday - CPM 4.1.2

Friday, November 20, 2015

11-20-2015 Chapter 3 Test!


P1: Michael, Fabian, Emma, Ethan, Adin
P2: Rebecca, Hannia, Jonathan, Chloe, Maddox
P3: Ian, Josh, Frankie, Michael, Collin
P5: Kyra

Chapter 4 ILPs are due NOW! Make sure you have snippets of your work!

Today's Assignment
1. Chapter 3 Test

2. Early Finishers: Work on ILP or Buzzmath of your choice.

Have a great break!

NEXT, NEXT Week's Homework Schedule
11-30 Monday - No Homework
12-1 Tuesday - CPM 4.1.1
12-2 Wednesday - CPM 4.1.2
12-3 Thursday - CPM 4.2.1
12-4 Friday - CPM 4.2.2

Thursday, November 19, 2015

11-19-2015 Continue 3.3.3 & Independent Practice of Closure

These people need to take Ch 3 quiz!
P1: Nolan
P5 Kai

Chapter 3 ILPs are missing/NO WORK SHOWN from these people
P1: Michael, Fabian, Emma, Ethan, Adin
P2: Rebecca, Hannia, Jonathan, Chloe, Maddox
P3: Ian, Josh, Frankie, Michael, Collin
P5: Kyra

Chapter 4 ILPs are due tomorrow!

Homework Check - Work on ILP
Take out 3.3.3 problems.

Today's Assignment
1.) Continue CPM 3.3.3 Problems 114, 115, 116
2.) Independent Practice with Closure or ILP
You may want to listen to music with your own device (NOT WITH SCHOOL LAPTOPS).
I always like listening to Minecraft Music.  Click here!  ;)

Study for Test Tomorrow

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-17: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-18: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-19: Study for Test Tomorrow
Friday 11-20: No Homework! Happy Holiday!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11-18-2015 How Can I Simplify Numerical Expressions? 3.3.3

Student WORKING Lunch

New Counseling Website - Resources

ILPs are due Friday!

Homework Check - Work on ILP
Take out All Closure Problems and 3.3.2 problems.

Today's Assignment
1.) CPM 3.3.3
2.) Switch Papers with a partner and correct Closure Problems.
3.) Independent Practice with Closure or ILP
You may want to listen to music with your own device (NOT WITH SCHOOL LAPTOPS).
I always like listening to Minecraft Music.  Click here!  ;)

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-17: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-18: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-19: Study for Test Tomorrow
Friday 11-20: No Homework! Happy Holiday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11-17-2015 Why Would I Use Decimals? 3.3.2

ILPs are due Friday!

Ms. Rickard will check homework tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Independent Practice with Closure Problems. You may bring your own device to listen to music with earbuds - that's tomorrow.

Today's Assignment
3.3.2 Core Problems 3-98 through 3-103
Rockstar Mastery Problems 3-104 through 3-106

CPM 3.3.2 All  Review Preview (SKIP PROBLEMS 109 e and f. and 110 b, d, and f)
All Chapter 3 Closure Problems DUE TOMORROW!

RickardClassroom YouTube Homework Help: CPM 3.3.2 Part One
RickardClassroom YouTube Homework Help: CPM 3.3.2 Part Two
RickardClassroom YouTube Homework Help: CPM 3.3.2 Part Three

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-17: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-18: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-19: Study for Test Tomorrow
Friday 11-20: No Homework! Happy Holiday!

Monday, November 16, 2015

11-16-2015 Team Test: Writing A Secret Code

Homework Check. Please take out CPM 3.3.1 and work on your ILP

Today you will participate in a Team Test called Writing A Secret Code!

1. Check to make sure everyone knows what the problem is asking. Click here for the problem!
2. Check your team's expressions. Work together to make sure all expressions work.

COACHING: If you do not agree with your team member's expression, YOU ARE NOT TO DO THE PROBLEM FOR THEM. Only point out the part of the expression where you disagree. You are not to touch your neighbor's paper or pencil. No doing the problem for someone else.

Earlier Finishers: Work on Closure Problems 3-130 to 3-137 then work on your ILP.

Tonight's Homework
Closure Problems 3-130, 3-131, 3-132, 3-133, 3-134, 3-135

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-10: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-11: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-12: Study for Test Tomorrow

Friday, November 13, 2015

11-13-2015 How Can I Divide 3.3.1

Next week's homework schedule is a tough one. You may want to work on Closure problems this week. Your choice.

Paper Copies of Closure Problems and Homework Key Revised

Retakes for Chapter 2 CPM TEST
If you want to retake the Chapter 2 CPM MAKE UP TEST, you must first show Ms. Rickard your completed and corrected REWORK. Then make an appointment to come at lunch or after school this week only!

Homework Check 3.2.4. Work on ILP which is due next Friday!

Today's Assignment
3.3.1 Core Problems 3-87 to 3-89 and 3-91
Rockstar Mastery Problems 3-90 to 3-92

CPM 3.3.1 All Problems DUE MONDAY

RickardClassroom YouTube Homework Help: CPM 3.3.1

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-9: CPM 3.2.3
Tuesday 11-10: CPM 3.2.4 Problems 3-73 to 3-74 DUE FRIDAY
Wednesday 11-11: No Homework, No School, Holiday!
Thursday 11-12: CPM 3.2.4 Problems 3-75 to 3-77 DUE FRIDAY
Friday 11-13: CPM 3.3.1 Due Monday

NEXT Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-17: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-18: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-19: Study for Test Tomorrow
Friday 11-20: No Homework! Happy Holiday!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

11-12-2015 Continue 3.2.4

Retakes for Chapter 2 CPM TEST
If you want to retake the Chapter 2 CPM MAKE UP TEST, you must first show Ms. Rickard your completed and corrected REWORK. Then make an appointment to come at lunch or after school this week only!

Next week's homework schedule is a tough one. You may want to work on Closure problems this week. You choice.

Today's Assignment
3.2.4 Core Problems 3-64 to 3-68
Rockstar Mastery Problems 3-69 to 3-72
Start 3.3.1 Core Problems 3-87 to 3-89 and 3-91

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-9: CPM 3.2.3
Tuesday 11-10: CPM 3.2.4 Problems 3-73 to 3-74 DUE FRIDAY
Wednesday 11-11: No Homework, No School, Holiday!
Thursday 11-12: CPM 3.2.4 Problems 3-75 to 3-77 DUE FRIDAY
Friday 11-13: CPM 3.3.1 Due Monday

NEXT Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-17: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-18: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-19: Study for Test Tomorrow
Friday 11-20: No Homework! Happy Holiday!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11-10-2015 How Does This Work With Decimals? 3.2.4

HOMEWORK SCHEDULE CHANGE - Also, next week's homework schedule is a tough one. You may want to work on Closure problems this week. You choice.

Last Wednesday's Quiz
If you are unhappy with your quiz score, you may come after school retake a similar quiz. You may do that today.

Retakes for Chapter 2 CPM TEST
If you want to retake the Chapter 2 CPM MAKE UP TEST, you must first show Ms. Rickard your completed and corrected REWORK. Then make an appointment to come at lunch or after school this week only!


Today's Assignment
3.2.3 Core Problems 3-51 to 3-55 and 3-57
Rockstar Mastery Problems 3-56, 3-58 (Do 58 in your math blog then comment on the blog from someone else in your team.)

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-9: CPM 3.2.3
Tuesday 11-10: CPM 3.2.4 Problems 3-73 to 3-74 DUE FRIDAY
Wednesday 11-11: No Homework, No School, Holiday!
Thursday 11-12: CPM 3.2.4 Problems 3-75 to 3-77 DUE FRIDAY
Friday 11-13: CPM 3.3.1 Due Monday

NEXT Week's Homework Schedule
Tuesday 11-17: CPM 3.3.2 and Closure Problems 3-136, 3-137
Wednesday 11-18: CPM 3.3.3 
Thursday 11-19: Study for Test Tomorrow
Friday 11-20: No Homework! Happy Holiday!

Monday, November 9, 2015

11-9-2015 How Can I Multiply Integers 3.2.3

P3: Collin, your computer was put away incorrectly. Please stay after.

Last Wednesday's Quiz
If you are unhappy with your quiz score, you may come after school retake a similar quiz. You may do that today or Tuesday, 11-10.

Retakes for Chapter 2 CPM TEST
If you want to retake the Chapter 2 CPM MAKE UP TEST, you must first show Ms. Rickard your completed and corrected REWORK. Then make an appointment to come at lunch or after school this week only!

Today's Assignment
3.2.2 Let's discuss our team ideas for problem 42.
Discuss #43 with your team and be ready with ideas.
Start 3.2.3 Core Problems 3-51 to 3-55 and 3-57
Rockstar Mastery Problems 3-56, 3-58 (Do 58 in your math blog then comment on the blog from someone else in your team.)

CPM 3.2.3 problems 3-59, 3-60 a-d only (not e and f), 3-61 only a and c, 3-62 only b. and c., 
and 3-63. You may want to watch my video for number 3-63.

RickardClassroom YouTube Homework Help: CPM 3.2.3 Part 1: #3-59 and 3-60
Rickard Classroom YouTube Homework Help: CPM 3.2.3 Part 2: #3-61 to 3-63

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

THIS Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-9: CPM 3.2.3
Tuesday 11-10: CPM 3.2.4
Wednesday 11-11: No Homework, No School, Holiday!
Thursday 11-12: CPM 3.2.5
Friday 11-12: CPM 3.3.1

If you are one of those people who likes to get their homework done early and you would like to make a math homework tutorial video, please email me the link and I will share it with the rest of the class. Let's help each other out people! :D

Watch these videos for help making a YouTube tutorial video.

Set Up Your YouTube Channel
Get and Use Screencastify
Delete A Video From Your YouTube Channel

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

11-5-2015 Happy Friday... er, Thursday! What Patterns Can I Find? 3.2.2

No school tomorrow!  Yay!

Yesterday's Quiz
If you are unhappy with your quiz score, you may come after school retake a similar quiz. You may do that today, Monday 11-9, Tuesday, 11-10.

Retakes for Chapter 2 CPM TEST
If you want to retake the Chapter 2 CPM MAKE UP TEST, you must first show Ms. Rickard your completed and corrected REWORK. Then make an appointment to come at lunch or after school next week.

Homework Check
Take out 3.2.2. Work on your ILP while Ms. Rickard checks it.

Today's Assignment
CPM 3.2.2 Problems 3-39 to 3-43
Sensei Master Problems: 3-44 and 3-45


CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

Next Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-9: CPM 3.2.3
Tuesday 11-10: CPM 3.2.4
Wednesday 11-11: No Homework, No School, Holiday!
Thursday 11-12: CPM 3.2.5
Friday 11-12: CPM 3.3.1

If you are one of those people who likes to get their homework done early and you would like to make a math homework tutorial video, please email me the link and I will share it with the rest of the class. Let's help each other out people! :D

Watch these videos for help making a YouTube tutorial video.

Set Up Your YouTube Channel
Get and Use Screencastify
Delete A Video From Your YouTube Channel

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11-4-2015 Continue 3.2.1

Message from Mr. Blum:
Hello LOMS Lions, 

Just so we are on the same page.  

You may not mass email the school for any reason.  We are not going to use school email as an advertising agent, chat room, spamming tool.  

From this point forward, if there are any all site emails, they will result in a multiple day detention.  

I hope that this is very clear.  

If there is something that you don't understand about this message, please talk to me in person or talk to one of your teachers about what is unclear. 

Thank you.

P3: Computers for Collin, and Sophia were not plugged in properly yesterday

Homework Check
Take out 3.2.1 from Monday night. Work on your ILP

Today's Assignment
  1. Quiz (There will be a question like 3-36 and 3-15a.) Early Finishers: Work On ILP for Chapter 4
  2. Continue CPM 3.2.1
  3. Start 3.2.2

CPM 3.2.2

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

This Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-2: No Homework
Tuesday 11-3: CPM 3.2.1
Wednesday 11-4: CPM 3.2.2
Thursday 11-5: No Homework
Friday 11-6: No School/No Homework

If you are one of those people who likes to get their homework done early and you would like to make a math homework tutorial video, please email me the link and I will share it with the rest of the class. Let's help each other out people! :D

Watch these videos for help making a YouTube tutorial video.

Set Up Your YouTube Channel
Get and Use Screencastify
Delete A Video From Your YouTube Channel

11-3-2015 Reworking Chapter 2 Test!

Message from Mr. Blum:
Hello LOMS Lions, 

Just so we are on the same page.  

You may not mass email the school for any reason.  We are not going to use school email as an advertising agent, chat room, spamming tool.  

From this point forward, if there are any all site emails, they will result in a multiple day detention.  

I hope that this is very clear.  

If there is something that you don't understand about this message, please talk to me in person or talk to one of your teachers about what is unclear. 

Thank you.

Today's Assignment
Today you will get your CPM Chapter Two Test back.

Students who got problems wrong will REWORK those problems with Ms. Rickard. Once they finish the problems they need to work on AND GET THE OK FROM MS.RICKARD, they can join a team and begin the Minecraft Probability Sheep Quest!

Students who ROCKED the test will start or continue the Probability Sheep Quest.
  1. Find other students who also rocked the test. They will create TEAMS of two to four people. They will need to sit together.  
  2. In APPLICATIONS, GO TO MINECRAFT UPDATE LOMS. They will go to MULTIPLAYER then the LOMS 3rd Server and work on the MINECRAFT Probability Sheep Quest. Please be sure to read and follow all instructions in the game and record your work in your MATH NOTEBOOK!
IMPORTANT! If someone from another class joins our server without permission, tell Ms. Rickard immediately so she can get them out. :D

This Minecraft Dye Chart will help you with the MINECRAFT PROBABILITY SHEEP QUEST! So check it out and refer back to it during the game/quest.

No Homework Tonight

CPM Chapter 3 Homework Answer Key. Click Here. PLEASE CHECK YOUR HOMEWORK ANSWERS EVERY NIGHT.  Show your work or NO CREDIT.

To do your homework online, go to HOMEWORK.CPM.ORG. No login required.

This Week's Homework Schedule
Monday 11-2: CPM 3.2.1
Tuesday 11-3:  No homework
Wednesday 11-4: CPM 3.2.2
Thursday 11-5: No homework
Friday 11-6: No School/No Homework

If you are one of those people who likes to get their homework done early and you would like to make a math homework tutorial video, please email me the link and I will share it with the rest of the class. Let's help each other out people! :D

Watch these videos for help making a YouTube tutorial video.

Set Up Your YouTube Channel
Get and Use Screencastify
Delete A Video From Your YouTube Channel