Schedule Change. See below.
Students who have CPM books at home, please bring them back to class. Thanks!
Angel and Miguel: Go to library for SBAC Testing.
Some people need to finish the Placement Test. Early Finishers: work on Manga High ANGLES.
Recorder/Reporter: please copy and paste your shareable link into this form to share your team's Doc with Ms. Rickard.
Homework Check
1. Please take out your homework: your statistical question for your team. You may have more than one question.
Today's Assignment
P5: Do Four Definitions
2. Use THREE Rickard BUCKS EACH to vote for your favorite questions. You can place all of your BUCKS on one question for use different BUCKS on different questions.
3. Recorder: Write your team's choice on your team's Doc.
4. Click the link to the Random Number Generator on your Team Doc and see how it works.
5. Each team member: write your response to the journal write prompt in the box. Use your color font.
6. Obtain the list of students for your chosen population.
Student List: 6th, 7th, & 8th Grades
Student List: 6th Grade Only
Student List: 7th Grade Only
Student List: 8th Grade Only
7. Set the Random Number Generator to your POPULATION size. For example, if you are using the POPULATION OF ALL 6th, 7th, 8th grade students at LOMS, you will set the RNG to 619.
8. Use the Random Number Generator to chose members of your sample. NO RETRIES IF YOU DON'T KNOW SOMEONE ON YOUR LIST. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND THAT PERSON.
9. Write your name with your color in one of the columns in the table and record the names of your sample set in the table on your team doc.
10. With your team, design your method to collect your data. You may want to design a form or table to record student responses from your sample set. YOU WILL NEED TO TURN IN YOUR DATA NEXT TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2016. Please be sure to record your data SO YOU AND YOUR TEAM MEMBERS CAN READ YOUR DATA AND MAKE SENSE OF IT. :D
Schedule of Due Dates
May 23, 2016 - Vocabulary Due - Team Assignment
May 25, 2016 - Turn In Statistical Question/Getting Started - Team Assignment
May 31, 2016 - Data Turn In - Solo Assignment
May 31 and June 2, 2016 Work on presentations
June 3, 2016 - Presentations Google Slides turned-in to Ms. Rickard/Presentation Practice Day
June 6 and 7, 2016 Team Presentations
This Week's Calendar
Tuesday, May 24 Next Year Placement Testing
Friday May 28 District Assessment What's My Angle?
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