BRING BACK MATH TEXTBOOK BY TOMORROW! Students that do not bring them in by tomorrow will issued an obligation and that means no yearbook, and a loss of privileges for next year if we don't get the book or the money for the book. Let them know that very clearly.
Today you will work with your team to finish your STATISTICAL QUESTION presentation.
Remember, you will use the NEW presenter tools where people from your audience can ask question!
Watch this YouTube video to show you have to use the Presenter Tools. Click here.
YOUR SLIDE PRESENTATION IS DUE TOMORROW! You will use class time tomorrow to practice your presentations so you MUST HAVE YOUR PRESENTATION FINISHED.
P1: Sierra needs to do Getting Started - Journal Write
P1: Elly's team needs to put population on Team Doc
P1: Ian, Bryce, Julian need to turn in Doc
P2: Chloe's team needs to do Journal Write
P2: Ian needs to do his definition
P2: Ian's team needs to put their sample set names on their doc!
P2: Did only Sarah and Daisy do the definitions?
P3: Ani needs to do Journal Write. Did Ani write a definition?
P3: Haley & Aubrey did you write a definition?
P3: Haley and Emely: Do a journal write and use last names in your sample set.
P3: Did Seth write a definition?
P3: Looks like Keedon is the only one who did the journal write?
P5: Matthew's team needs to give me permission!
P5: Lainey's team needs to give me permission!
P5: Michaels's team needs to give me permission!
P5: Angel Mae's team needs to give me permission!
P5: Ricardo's team needs to give me permission!
P5: Lina and Ellie put your real names on your doc. Give me editing rights please.
P5: Kailee, did you write a definition?
P5: Tyler's team: Give me editing privileges. Need to do all definitions. The one you have is NOT a definition.
P5: Tyler's team needs to do journal write.
P5: Rebel's team: Give me editing privileges. Need to do all definitions. The one you have is NOT a definition.
P5: Rebel's team needs to do journal write.
Schedule of Due Dates
May 23, 2016 - Vocabulary Due - Team Assignment
May 25, 2016 - Turn In Statistical Question/Getting Started - Team Assignment
May 31, 2016 - Data Turn In - Solo Assignment
May 31 and June 2, 2016 Work on presentations
June 3, 2016 - Presentations Google Slides turned-in to Ms. Rickard/Presentation Practice Day
June 6 and 7, 2016 Team Presentations
5-30-2016 Monday - Memorial Day Holiday
5-31-2016 Tuesday - Continue CPM 8.2.2 on Histograms/Work on Presentation
6-1-2016 Wednesday - Work on Presentations
6-2-2016 Thursday - Work on Presentations
6-3-2016 Friday - Practice Presentations